Monday, 12 August 2013

Steve Borsuk Like Natural Beauty Images

Thought of Steve Borsuk in life

There is no such thing as original or isolated thoughts; what is new is their manner of expression or restatement. We cannot conceive of anything which is not; the ideas are somewhere existent and have always been in the mind substance. Our task is to give new shape and semblance to the thought elements which otherwise remain undifferentiated and formless. And those whose patterns are the most unlike the whole mass or group thought are considered the most original. 

Sunday, 4 August 2013

Steve Borsuk

Steve Borsuk Enjoy A Fun and Colorful Day with Children.

Capitalife Lending Inc’s CEO Steve Borsuk celebrated a day with the Children’s Joy Foundation at the Toro Hills Subdivision, Quezon City.

The children enjoyed group games, singing, magic show, dancing and fun with the photo booth. We captured some most lovely moment in photos:

Steve BorsukSteve Borsuk CommunitySteve Borsuk with ChildrenSteve Borsuk Children GamesSteve Borsuk Teem PhotoSteve Borsuk Community Photo

Steve Borsuk said in his speech “We will continue to give joy and happiness to those children who are in need. We will held more fun activities in future for Child communities."